Home Remedy to Eliminate Dog Urine Odor on Carpet

Accidents are a basic part of life as a dog owner, whether it be housebreaking a small puppy or an older dog with incontinence issues. However, it gets slightly more complicated if you have a carpeted floor. Whereas with hardwood, you simply need to get paper towels and wipe up the urine, with carpet you have to worry about staining and odor. There are several pet urine and odor sprays on the market, but many people prefer homemade concoctions that are free of harsh chemicals. Creating your own is simple and many times cheaper than buying a spray.

  1. Handling Dog Urine Stains

    • First and foremost, whatever combination of cleaners you use, be sure to avoid using ammonia. Ammonia is a compound found in urine, so if you try cleaning your carpet with ammonia, it may give your dog encouragement to soil that spot again. You may also wish to test your carpet in a small, unseen area with whatever solution you spray to clean, just to make sure that the solution doesn't discolor your carpet.

      If you catch the stain while it is still wet, try sprinkling table salt on the area. This will draw up the liquid and the smell. Use paper towels to blot the wet spot. Once the spot is less damp, apply whatever solution you choose. There are several possible for effective cleaning. First, you could use vinegar and water to clean. Mix one part vinegar with one part water. Another solution that can be used is hydrogen peroxide. A third option is the use of toothpaste on the stain, and finally, you can use laundry detergent mixed with water. Pour a small amount of your preferred solution onto the stain, then let it sit for about five minutes. Take a brush and scrub the stain vigorously, then rinse the area with warm water. Pat it dry, then vacuum the spot and the stain and odor should both be gone.