How to Find a Break in a Radio Dog Fence

A radio dog fence is a device that prevents dogs from leaving an area. A radio transmitter that is set to a certain frequency is sent along wires underground. The dog has a device attached his collar that emits either a high-pitched sound or a mild electric shock when he crosses the boundary. Unfortunately, you cannot find a fence break in a radio dog fence as easily as you can with a traditional fence. However, using a signal booster and an AM radio, you can easily find a break in your radio dog fence.

Things You'll Need

  • RF choke (radio frequency coils)
  • Portable AM radio


    • 1

      Verify that you actually have a fence break. If your dog is getting out, that may be an obvious sign. Another sign is given by the unit itself, which may flash a red light or beep, indicating the break.

    • 2

      Remove the connecting wires from the transmitter unit jacks. Attach the RF choke leads into the jacks on the transmitter. Then attach the two connecting wires to the RF choke by intertwining each on with a lead on either side of the RF choke. This will allow the transmitter to send the signal, even though there is a break in the dog fence.

    • 3

      Tune your portable AM radio to the frequency to which your transmitter is tuned. Either check the paperwork that came with your unit or stand near the dog fence and search for it on the radio. It should be at the lower end of the spectrum. You will know when you have picked up the signal because it will sound like rapid tapping or beeping.

    • 4

      Slowly walk the entire perimeter of your fence while carrying the AM radio. When you arrive at the fence break, the signal will cease for a few feet. It is important to walk the entire perimeter first so that you do not mistake a weak signal for no signal. If you still cannot find it after walking the perimeter a few times, you may have to contact the company that installed it for more help.