How to Train My Mastiff Puppy

Mastiffs are known for being big dogs with big hearts. Not only do they provide reliable protection for your family, they are also great companions with lovable personalities. Mastiffs are smart dogs that love to please their masters, so training a mastiff puppy is a relatively easy task if you are patient and consistent. A well-trained mastiff is a joy to have around and good habits start when they are young.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Collar
  • Treats
  • Dog toys


  1. Training Instructions

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      House train your mastiff. A mastiff puppy relieves itself often, usually about every 45 minutes or so. He'll need to urinate after eating, sleeping and playing. Take him outside after he drinks water and wait for him to do his business. Don't go back inside until he's finished. Take him out after sleeping, too, and always play with your mastiff outdoors, as he'll usually need to pee when he's excited. Train the dog to associate the outdoors as the place to do his business.

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      Socialize your mastiff. Typical mastiffs are ready for socialization at 12 weeks old. To do this, take your mastiff on long walks and allow him to be petted by anyone and everyone. This will accustom your mastiff to other human beings and help him develop normal social habits. The more handling the better, whether it's with family, friends or strangers. Let others offer treats to your mastiff so he learns to associate them with positive feelings.

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      Teach your mastiff not to nip or bite. Some nipping and biting is perfectly normal and should not be met with harsh punishment. An emphatic "No!" and a stern look in the eyes is sufficient when the dog crosses the line. Be sure to include the entire family in this process, as consistency is key. Also, mastiffs do not respond well to harsh physical punishment.

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      Teach your mastiff not to chew things. Provide your dog with plenty of toys of different shapes and sizes so he won't chew things of value, such as shoes and clothing. Place toys all over the house so your mastiff always has things to munch on.

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      Teach your mastiff appropriate barking habits. Play with your mastiff as much as possible and give him plenty of attention. Mastiffs often bark when they feel neglected and don't have enough stimulation to keep them occupied. Find out if there are other dogs in the area that are encouraging the barking.