How to Train Your Puppy -- The First Steps

The joy and excitement of a new puppy should not be destroyed once he urinates all over the sofa. According to The Humane Society of the United States, whether you decide to purchase or adopt a puppy, prepare yourself with the long commitment of caring for this pet. Having a dog can be costly with veterinary care and food, and you must be willing to train your puppy well. Simple and consistent training is all you need to ensure a happy and well-adjusted grown dog.

Things You'll Need

  • Collar
  • Leash
  • Dry food treats
  • Dog toy


    • 1

      Speak to your puppy in a friendly tone to attract its attention. The first key to training is being able to attract your puppy's attention with your friendly voice. Select a name for your puppy that everyone in the family agrees upon, and stick to it.

    • 2

      Place a collar on your puppy and secure a short leash to it when training. This reinforces that you are in control or the alpha animal. Call your puppy by its name so that it learns its name. Do this several times a day for a few minutes. Give verbal praise, a gentle pat and a treat when it looks at you after you call its name.

    • 3

      Squeak a toy, call your puppy by his name and gently throw it to him. Gently pull him back to you after letting him play with the toy for a minute. Then squeak the toy and call him by name. Throw the toy again. Repeat the game.

    • 4

      Call your puppy by name to get its attention while on the leash. Hold a toy or a treat in your hand. Puppies should automatically sit when their heads look up. Once it sits on its bottom, praise the puppy and give it the toy or treat. Repeat the training, but do not use the word "sit" yet.

    • 5

      Say the command "sit" once your puppy sits down when you hold the treat or toy. The puppy should now associate the action with the word. Continue the training by asking it to sit often and then praising it after it follows the command.

    • 6

      Command your puppy to sit. To start this, use a treat or toy at the dog's eye level and then slowly lower it. Sitting in front of your puppy, move the treat to the ground and toward you. Your puppy should follow with its head going down. Once it slides down, praise it and give it the toy or treat. Repeat until your puppy understands and then add the word "down" so it relates the command with the action.

    • 7

      Call your puppy's name to be sure you have its attention. Shake or squeak a toy so it walks to you. Call its name again and use the word "come." Give praise when it comes. If the dog loses interest before coming all the way to you, make some noises to attract its attention. Step farther back and call it again. Say "come" and praise the puppy when it does.

    • 8

      Say the word "come" every time your puppy comes to you on its own to reinforce the command. Give lots of praise when it gets to you.