Excessive Barking in Dogs

Barking is considered to be normal dog behavior. However, excessive barking may be signaling an underlying problem. Excessive barking can cause conflict between neighbors. Owners with dogs that bark excessively must discover the source of the problem in order to solve it.

  1. Loneliness

    • Dogs that are left alone for extended periods often become lonely. To prevent this, owners should spend time with their dog every day. This may involve playing games, exercising or learning tricks.


    • Dogs may bark excessively if they do not get enough exercise or mental stimulation. Owners can prevent this by regularly supplying their pet with new and interesting dog toys.


    • Dogs often bark excessively when they perceive a threat to their territory. Spaying or neutering a dog can help decrease this behavior. Owners should also discourage their pet from barking at strangers.


    • Like people, dogs also feel fear. Dogs that encounter objects or sounds that frighten them may bark excessively. Owners should gradually introduce and desensitize their dog to its specific trigger.

    Compulsive Barking

    • Dogs that suffer from an obsessive-compulsive disorder may bark excessively without cause. A combination of medication prescribed by a veterinarian and consistent behavior modification training are often effective in correcting the problem.