Bark Buster Technique for Training Dogs

Training a dog at any age can be difficult. As puppies, it's all about house training, and with older dogs, it's more about obeying commands. An old-fashioned way of training was to train dogs with force and punishment, but Bark Busters disagrees. Bark Busters is a dog training program that was developed in Australia and utilizes several techniques to help you get your dog trained for any behavior problems you are running into at any age.

  1. Correction and Praise

    • Rather than use force or punishment, Bark Busters focuses most of its training techniques on what it calls "corrections." Pet owners do not punish a dog for bad behavior, but they do correct the behavior in a way that demonstrates their authority. When a dog learns a corrected behavior and does it all on his own, Bark Busters believes in giving a lot of praise. But praise does not come in the form of treats; praise is given by showing affection and attention.

      Brett Silk of Bark Busters USA told Tip 'N' Tails Newsletter that Bark Busters does not believe in using treats because they see it as bribing the dog. While it may temporarily stop the unwanted behavior, it does not instill the lesson or respect for you as the leader.


    • Bark Busters believes in talking to your dog in her language. As dogs used to travel in packs, and the leader of the pack was responsible for correcting behaviors, you, as the leader of your household, should speak to your dog on her terms to assert your dominance. According to Bark Busters, the language of dogs varies from body language, vocal language, teeth baring and physical language. Bark Busters says the English language or any other human language is just impossible for a dog to learn.


    • Bark Busters does not believe in group training. It thinks that taking your dog to an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar dogs will cause your dog to be distracted and unable to learn simple tasks. In addition, by taking your dog out of his natural environment, you aren't teaching him how to transfer any learned skills to the environment in which you need him to perform his new skills. Bark Busters believes in training a dog in the environment in which he will be expected to perform.