A weight sled can be used for your dog to help train them to be sled dogs, or to generally build strength in your dog. Building your own sled for your dog to tow around the yard is cheap, and enables you to customize the size of your sled to match the size of your dog.
Things You'll Need
- 2x4's
- Saw
- Nails and hammer
- Plywood
- Wood screw hooks
Decide on the right size sled for your dog, based on how many plates you will be loading on it. A smaller dog will only need a sled about 2 feet long, however a bigger dog will require more room for weight.
Cut 2 2x4 beams to the desired sled length. These will be your side beams.
Cut a 45 degree angle from the fronts of the 2 beams. The long side will be the top of the sled, whereas the side which has been cut short by the angle will be the bottom. This upward slope will ensure your sled doesn't catch on the ground.
Cut 2-foot-long 2x4's to be used as cross beams. You will need one for the back, one for the start of the upward slope, and additional beams every 8 to 12 inches between the two.
Nail the 2-foot-long beams between the two side beams. The beam by the front slope should be placed about 1 inch behind the start of the upward slope.
Cut the plywood so that it fits over the top of the sled, and covers from the back cross beam to the front cross beam, and nail it in place.
Cut 2 beams to the same length as the plywood, and nail them broad-side-down to the top of the plywood, one along either side of the sled.
Cut a 2x4 beam to 2 feet, and nail it on top of the plywood between the 2 side beams along the back of the sled. You should end up with 3 sides of a rectangle nailed to the top of the plywood, with the open end being in the front of the sled.
Mount the screw hooks to the top of the 2 side beams, in front of the plywood shelf.
Hook your desired harness over the hooks to attach your dog to the sled.