Dog Digging Solutions

Whether it is their natural instinct to create a den, escape the fenced yard in search of a mate or to bury a treasure, dogs will dig. Determining why the dog is digging in the first place will help solve the problem. Boredom, curiosity and simply their instincts can make them destroy a yard or outdoor kennel. Alternative confinements, providing additional activities and making the area undesirable are all ways to deter the dog from digging.

  1. Alternative Confinements

    • Try kenneling the dog in an alternate area if an outdoor kennel is full of holes from digging. Dog proof a basement room, laundry room or extra bedroom. Place smaller dogs in a travel crate indoors if possible. Create space in a temperature-regulated garage, away from tools and chemicals.

      Consider hiring a dog walker during the day to keep the dog occupied, exercised and more content. This simple activity will save your yard and keep the dog happier.

    Additional Activities

    • Offer the dog activities to keep his mind off of digging. A toy tied to a tree branch with a rope, just out of reach, is simple to assemble and fun for the dog. Swing the toy and allow him to run and jump at it to catch it. Show him how to do it, and when left alone, a small breeze may catch the toy and spark a self-guided game.

      Purchase chew toys that promote reasoning skills. Hard rubber chew toys with an opening to hide a dog biscuit will keep the dog entertained until he figures how to tilt the toy and chew the biscuit out. Place peanut butter or an ice cube in the same type of toy for variety. Squeaking, jingling and rattling toys also provide sensory stimulation and ward off boredom.


    • Bury a piece of chicken wire just a few inches under the soil where the dog has been digging. When the dog starts to dig in the area, her nails will catch on the wire and feel uncomfortable. Try burying a few small inflated water balloons just under the soil for the same startling effect to deter future digging. Some dogs won't dig in areas where they smell their own feces. Fill in the hole with soil and feces to prevent more digging.