Underground Dog Fence Problems

An underground fence is often used to keep dogs in a certain area. The fence works by transmitting a signal to a collar. The collar, worn by the dog, prevents the dog from crossing the fence. This is done in several ways, depending on the setup of the fence. Sometimes it omits a high-pitched noise, and in other situations, it gives the dog a harmless shock. Either way, the fence is designed to prohibit a dog from crossing a boundary. However, underground dog fences have several problems.

  1. Transmission

    • Underground dog fences work by transmitting a signal to the collar. This mean that just like a radio or another source of transmission, the signal doesn't always get through. If the batteries aren't charged, or if there is another issue with the signal getting from the fence to the collar, it won't affect your dog.

    Dog's Attitude

    • Some dogs don't care about a loud noise, or even about a shock. There are dogs that will run through the barrier, even if they are wearing a collar. Some dogs will ignore the beeping and won't even mind the annoying noises. If a dog is intent on chasing something, he might not be deterred by a shock, either. Although many dogs do react well to the noises and shocks, some simply ignore them and continue about their business.

    Collar Loss

    • If a dog's collar falls off, or if the dog manages to get it off, the dog is free to cross the barrier and will not be stopped by anything else. Collar loss is quite easy. Some dogs have smaller heads than others, and collars can fall off. Collars can also become snagged on undergrowth or fences, then pulled off or broken.


    • The batteries in the collar should be fully charged and test that all of the connections with the fence are working well. Check both the batteries on the connections on a regular basis. Before you install the system, ask if you can test the technology with your dog. That way, you can know that it will work on your particular dog. If you are using this type of system, double check your dog's collar each day to ensure that it is not going to become loose or fall off.


    • Traditional fences are designed to keep your dog in and keep other animals out. Remember that most varieties of underground fencing are only designed for your particular dog. Therefore, if you want other animals to stay out of your yard, consider another type of fence.