How Do I Get My German Sheppard to Stop Barking?

There are many reasons why German shepherds bark. These dogs can bark out of boredom, for attention, to relieve stress and to warn you that there are people nearby. While some barking is necessary--and desired--there are several steps you can take if your dog is barking excessively.

  1. Collars

    • There are two types of dog collars you can purchase to help your German shepherd with his barking: a citronella collar and a shock collar. The citronella collar delivers a spray of citronella oil--something that humans find non-offensive but dogs find unpleasant--to your dog's chin. His powerful nose will scent the oil, associate it with the barking, and reduce unwanted barking. Many pet owners love citronella collars; however some find the oil stains furniture and dogs who shake their head excessively can cause the collar to slip sideways and spray off target.
      Shock collars can be adjusted on different levels of severity and deliver a mild electric shock to your shepherd after he barks. The dose is not high enough to hurt your dog but powerful enough to make him associate the unpleasant action with barking and reduce barking.
      You can find citronella and shock collars at boutique pet stores, or you can purchase them online or from a dog trainer.

    Noise Reduction

    • Some German shepherds benefit from noise reduction, especially if you live in an urban area. If your area gets hot in the summertime, keep her in an air-conditioned room. Not only will she stay cool, but the air conditioner's hum will prevent her from hearing neighborhood noise and alert barking.
      You can also try leaving a radio or television playing loudly, or purchasing an air filter or white noise machine from a retail store.
      Noise reduction will help your noisy dog because the less noise she hears to react to, the less she will bark inappropriately.


    • The above techniques can be effectively combined with training to reduce your German shepherd's excessive barking. Find a reputable trainer in your area by contacting your veterinarian. Most trainers will be able to offer you pointers in the first lesson to get you started, and if you take the time to practice daily with your dog, you should notice a reduction in his barking.