How to Prevent Your Dog From Barking

Nothing can drive you crazy quicker than a barking dog. Whether the dog is your neighbors or your own it is not a pleasant sound.With so many of us being pet owners today both big and small one thing to keep in mind is that all dogs bark. Excessive barking can be controlled with the proper training. But you can not even start to train you dog not to bark till you know why they are barking. In this article I will give you some tips on how to stop your dog from barking.


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      First, you must try and figure out why your dog is barking. Do they need to go to the bathroom, is there something that may be provoking your dog or do they just enjoy the sound of their own bark. Many human babies enjoy the sound of their crying why shouldn't your dog.

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      Second, you want to make sure your dog isn't trying to tell you something. Usually when a dog barks it is because they are hungry, thirsty or have to do their business.

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      Third, many dogs bark because they are left home alone. When you leave them make sure you leave the radio or some music on so they are not left in total silence. You may also want to leave your dog with toys to occupy them while you are gone so they don't bark due to boredom.

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      Fourth, positive reinforcement also works well with dogs. If your dog is barking and they stop compliment them with saying good dog or give them a treat. Soon your dog will try and please you by not barking.

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      Lastly, try to maintain a calm demeanor around your dog. If you keep calm so will your dog.