Where Should a Puppy's Crate Be at Night?

A crate is important to a puppy's training. The question many new puppy owners ask, is where should that crate be located, especially at night? The answer will ultimately depend on your puppy, and your family itself, but there are certain factors to consider when deciding where to keep your puppy's crate at night.

  1. Temperament

    • Consider the temperament of your puppy. If she is high strung, and apt to whine in her crate, it is best to keep the crate away from everyone at nighttime, and out of the bedroom. However, it is important not to isolate the puppy completely. A good spot would be a kitchen or family room. The reason is to keep your puppy away from any distractions, including you and your family.


    • The puppy's crate should be located in a darker area at night. This helps the puppy learn that it is "nighttime" and therefore time to rest. If you leave laundry room light on all night, for instance, don't put the puppy in there.

    External Factors

    • If you have close neighbors, don't put the puppy on that side of the home. If your neighbors leave early, make sure your puppy is away from the noise of their front door, or garage door.

    Age of Puppy

    • A newborn puppy is more likely to be scared while first learning the ins and outs of crate training. If they are very young, under 12 weeks, it is important to keep the puppy in a crate near you, where you can have easy access to her. Remember the puppy will need to be taken outside often, and will not be able to remain in the crate for the entire night without needing a break when nature calls.


    • The benefits of successfully crate training a puppy are numerous. First, it will make housetraining easier. Second, your puppy will have a sense of security and a safe haven to retreat. Third, if your puppy becomes used to his crate, traveling with your pet will be much easier. Lastly, but certainly not least, when your puppy has a quiet, safe place to sleep at night, he will be a happier, more adjusted pet.