Shock Collar Training for Dogs

People generally have one of two opinions about electric shock collars for dogs: either they are effective and a good tool to train difficult dogs or they are inhumane and abusive to your pet. Shock collars come in a variety of configurations to help pet owners deal with unwanted barking, running away and other behavioral issues.

  1. Electric Shock Collar Basics

    • Electric shock collars are designs to interrupt a bad behavior and teach a dog that there is a negative consequence that happens when he engages in the bad behavior. Most shock collars contain a receiving unit, which is the box located on the actual collar. There are two metal nodes that extend out of the box that need to be located under the dog's chin to properly give the shock. This box is triggered either with a remote control or via a sensory trigger to automatically deal with behaviors such as barking or running away.

    Wireless Fences

    • A wireless fence is a dog collar system that sends an electrical shock to your dog whenever she steps out of an area set with sensory posts. A perimeter is set with sensory posts or wires to create the areas you want to contain your dog in. If the dog goes beyond the perimeter she will receive an intermittent shock until she returns to her allotted area. These are effective but do have some drawbacks. If the sensory posts or wire is disrupted, it may create holes in the perimeter that you cannot see but a dog may be able to find. Additionally, this system does not protect your dog from animals or people entering your yard.

    Bark Collars

    • Bark collars sense sound and vibration emanating from the vocal cords. These collars offer various levels of correction to make sure you are able to start with a mild correction but increase the shock if needed. If your dog continues to bark while wearing the collar he will receive a shock for a maximum time, for example, up to 15 times within 60 seconds. If the dog triggers more corrections than this, good collars will shut off for a period of time for the safety of your dog.

    Remote Controlled Collars

    • Remote controlled collars work the same way the other collars do. There are shock probes extending from the box around your dog's neck that will administer a shock, usually adjustable at several levels, if your dog conducts a bad behavior. The difference is this collar is triggered by a remote that you hold in your hand. When you press the button, you administer a shock. These collars are used for training dogs to not jump or steal food.


    • For the critics, these collars will probably never be seen as humane. But for people who have ever tested the collar on their arm prior to using it on their animal, they know that the shock is a quick zap that is akin to static electricity. While higher levels really get your attention, the collar is not designed to administer cruel pain. While there are people who will find a way to abuse the collar and thus abuse an animal, there are thousands of other dog lovers who use these collars as a last resort to solve a behavior problem.