Age to Start House Training a Puppy

Adopting a new puppy is an exciting and rewarding experience. Most new owners spend some time evaluating what types of dogs they like and learning about the breeds, or about dogs in general if adopting a mixed breed. The owner needs to put as much diligence, care and time into house training the newest member of the family as he did in choosing the puppy. House training should begin when the puppy is seven weeks old.

  1. Time Frame

    • Some people disagree with seven weeks as the time to begin house training, claiming that 16 weeks is better so as not to interfere with the dog learning much needed socialization skills.

    Expert Insight

    • Dr. Race Foster, D.V.M., endorses beginning at seven weeks, or as soon as you bring home your new puppy, because you are building the foundation for all other things your dog will need to learn.


    • The Humane Society of the United States recommends establishing a schedule for your puppy by taking it outside every two hours, after naps and after eating or drinking.

    Fun Fact

    • Praise your puppy each time it potties outside using a word you select as the identifier for bathroom time, so that the puppy will become familiar with the phrase and associate it with doing its business outside.


    • Many people believe in rubbing the puppy's nose in the spot if it has an accident in the house, but this will only confuse the puppy and do nothing to teach it to go outside in its potty spot.