Red Cattle Dog Training Ideas

Red cattle dogs are Australian Cattle Dogs who happen to be red in color. These dogs are members of the AKC Herding Group. As with other herding breeds, red cattle dogs are intelligent, energetic and have strong herding instincts. Red cattle dogs learn most quickly if training is fun and active. Short training sessions focusing on behaviors allowing the dog to use his natural herding instincts are most effective. Positive reinforcement is mandatory.

  1. How to Train Red Cattle Dogs

    • Clicker training is an effective way to motivate herding dogs. This type of training focuses on positive reinforcement only and uses a clicker to tell the dog when she has done something correctly. The clicker is a small box that makes a clicking sound when pressed. It is used as a "bridge signal," which is a behavioral term meaning any cue that signifies a reward will be given.

      Use the clicker to mark a correct behavior at the exact moment it occurs. Then give the dog a small food reward. This eliminates the problem of dogs thinking they are being rewarded for whatever they are doing at the exact moment they receive a treat, rather than for a behavior performed a few moments before.

      If you don't like to use treats during training, many red cattle dogs will also work in exchange for play and praise. You can still use the clicker to mark the correct behavior. Instead of giving a treat, offer to play a brief game of tug with the dog's favorite toy after each click. If your dog loves to play fetch, throw a ball after each click. Using play and praise instead of treats means training will proceed more slowly, however. It takes longer to play tug or fetch than to simply give a treat.

      Red cattle dogs learn most rapidly and retain learning better if training sessions are short and always end on a good note. Never work on a behavior for more than 15 minutes at a time unless you are in a training class. Three five minute training sessions are almost always better than one 15 minute session. The shorter and more positive training sessions are, the more eager your dog will be to start the next session.

    What to Teach Red Cattle Dogs

    • Herding dogs excel at behaviors involving movement. Canine freestyle and dog agility are two sports in which herding dogs frequently reach the highest levels of competition. Both involve performing complex, active behaviors at speed. They differ in that agility requires the dog to complete an obstacle course quickly, while in canine freestyle the dog must perform choreographed movements with the handler and no other obstacles.

      If you don't want to compete, you can teach similar behaviors at home to keep your red cattle dog happy and obedient. Try training your dog to make figure-eights between your legs as you walk. Simply use a treat or target to lead the dog in the correct pattern while you stand still. Progress first to figure-eights without the treat or target while standing still, then do figure-eights while walking.

      You can easily teach a red cattle dog to jump through a hula hoop. Start with the hoop held so the bottom edge is on the ground. Use a treat to lure the dog into stepping through it. Click as he steps through and give a treat or offer play. Slowly raise the hoop off the ground until he is jumping through a hoop with the bottom edge approximately at shoulder height.

      Don't limit yourself to behaviors you've seen other dogs perform. If you have a creative idea for something to teach your red cattle dog, go for it. These highly intelligent dogs can learn almost anything, if it is broken down into small segments and training sessions are always a positive experience.