Puppy Training Information

Bringing home your new puppy is a wonderful experience. New dog owners can make a number of mistakes in the first few months of puppy training that can end up being costly to the puppy, the family and to the carpet or furniture. To make sure your new family addition thrives in her new home, follow these five easy steps.

  1. Introduction to the New Family

    • Your new puppy needs to know that you are the alpha dog. Praise her often while keeping a firm voice when teaching commands. She needs to meet and interact with all members of the family, and socialize herself with all other household pets. Show her as much love and attention as possible, while keeping constant watch over her to avoid accidents.

    Potty Training

    • Puppies relieve themselves about six times a day and should be taken outside after each meal. Before an accident occurs, place the dog in the spot you want her to go (grass outside, puppy training pads or even newspapers). As soon as she finishes, praise her thoroughly for a job well done.

    Obedience Training

    • Proper communication and consistency are essential in obedience training. Therefore, rules need to be set according to the owner's needs. Puppies need to be corrected when they break a rule. When unwanted behavior occurs, remove her to a "timeout" area.

    Puppy Care

    • Select an area for your puppy to sleep and eat and stick to it. Maintaining these boundaries is crucial to creating a healthy relationship with your pooch. Keep up with her vaccinations, regular vet visits, teeth and nail care, and remember that new puppies grow quickly and need a great deal of food and water.

    Having Fun with Limits

    • Never allow your puppy to nip or bite you at any time. Playing with her is critical for development, but never allow the control to be taken away from you.