Free Potty Training Tips for Pups

House training your dog can be a frustrating experience, but with some good guidance and a lot of patience your puppy will learn the proper place to potty.

  1. Creating a Routine

    • Creating a routine for your new puppy will be beneficial in several ways. First of all if will help your pet learn what is expected of him. It will also help you avoid accidents in the house.
      A crucial part of creating a routine is to schedule your dog's feeding times. This serves two purposes: First it helps your dog's digestive system regulate itself and second it helps you time when your pooch needs to go.
      Many people choose to either feed their dog one large meal at the beginning of the day or give two smaller meals, one in the morning and one in the evening. If you choose to feed in the evening, remember feeding too close to bedtime is a recipe for overnight accidents.
      Every dog is different, but it won't take you long to figure out your puppy's rhythm and learn to take him outside when he needs to go.
      Another very important step in creating a routine is to always take your dog to the same place to potty. This helps reinforce to your dog exactly what you are wanting when you take him to his potty spot.

    Punishing Accidents

    • How you choose to punish your dog for accidents inside the house is not only critical to the housebreaking process, but will help shape your relationship with your dog.
      The cardinal rule here is to never ever scold or punish your dog unless you catch her in the act. A dog's brain function is very different than that of a person's and the simple fact is that if you scold them for something that she did 20 minutes ago she will not be able to make the connection, and may even learn to be fearful of you.
      When you do catch you dog in the act, try to remain calm. Tell her "bad dog" and take her outside. Once outside give her plenty of time to finish and praise her. This is the best way to let your dog know what is right and wrong behavior.

    Praise Good Behaviors

    • It is easy for most people to discourage bad behavior when their dog messes in the house, but the fact is that praising your dog for going in the right spot is even more important. A simple "good dog" or a small treat are sufficient.
      Praising your dog lets her know what it is that you want from her, and most dogs are eager to please their people.