Quickest Way to Housebreak a Puppy

Puppies are a joy, but with them comes responsibility. One of the responsibilities of owning a puppy is housebreaking it. This process can be long and frustrating but, with the proper instructions, can be quick and easy.

  1. Patience &Consistency

    • It's vital that you stay patient with your puppy and remain consistent with your training methods. If you aren't consistent, your puppy will not understand and learn the wrong habits. This will make it even tougher to housebreak your pup.

    Do Your Business!

    • Take your puppy outside and place it on a spot. Say "Go," or "Do your business" or some similar phrase. After your puppy does its business, praise it and give it a treat. Use a positive but firm tone of voice. Do not speak too happily, as this will excite your dog and distract it from the goal. Once inside, set the timer for 30 minutes. When the timer goes off, take your puppy outside again and repeat the procedure. Eventually, your puppy will realize the schedule and let you know when it's time for them to go outside.

    Crate for Long Periods

    • If you work, your puppy may end up spending several hours in a crate. This can be very hard on small bladders, so provide puppy pee pads. Dogs think of a crate as a den and do not like to soil it, so a pee pad can make things a little easier. Simply ignore the fact that they went at all, and continue with your training.