How to Housetrain a Chihuahua Puppy using pee pads

Whether you're about to add a chihuahua to your family or already have one, you're likely a little nervous about the dreaded housetraining. Though chi's have a reputation for being hard to house break, with consistency and a little patience, your little pup will be going potty where you want her to in no time!

Things You'll Need

  • A puppy or newly adopted chihuahua
  • good quality pee pads
  • a puppy play pen or other enclosed area


    • 1

      As soon as you bring your chihauhua puppy or new dog home, place her in a confined area. A puppy pen or a gated area is perfect. You don't want to allow your new chi to run free (and out of sight) before understanding where she is to relieve herself. Make sure this space is visible to you, and preferably in a tiled or easily cleaned area. You don't want your dog to feel punished or left alone in this area, and you also don't want to be cleaning up "accidents" on carpet.

    • 2

      At one corner of the confined area, place a good quality pee pad. These pads smell like pee to the puppy (not to humans though!!), which makes her want to go there. Over time, you can cut these pads down, but at first, use a whole pad so there's a better chance of your chi peeing on the actual pad. The pad should be as far away from their sleeping and eating area as possible within the space as your puppy will instinctively want to keep the sleeping and eating area clean.

    • 3

      Know when your chihuahua is about to go - and direct her towards the pad at these times. This may sound like it's easier said than done, but if you are able to spend time watching and playing with your puppy throughout the day - at least for the first week or so - and you're consistent with eating and playing times, you'll quickly learn the times (and signs) when she needs to go. Chihuahuas are small, and will have to pee frequently (puppies - about every 2 hours, adults - every 4). As soon as she gets up from sleeping, right after (or even during) a play session, and about 20 minutes after a long drink of water (like during meals), your chi will have to pee. Place her on the pad at these times and tell her to "go potty". When she goes, praise her quietly until she's done (you don't want to startle or scare her - and possibly stop the flow of events - with a loud celebration). Then when she's done, give her lots of love, pats, play time, etc.

    • 4

      If you catch your chihuaha in a squat off her pad, interrupt her quickly (not negatively - just a simple "ah-ah" will do), lift her up and move her to her pad. When she pees there, praise as above. Clean up any mess off the pad quickly and quietly - being sure to use a urine smell removing cleaner.

    • 5

      As your chi seems to be getting the hang of peeing on the pads in her confined area, you can expand her space. You may want to put multiple pads around the areas you want to let her explore, so that if she needs to go now, she can easily find a spot. This will also allow you to move her quickly if you catch her going off her pad.

    • 6

      If you want to eventually have a chihuahua that pees outside, you can use the same methods as above and gradually move the pad closer and closer to the door, with the end result being her "telling" you she has to go by sitting by the door!