Tips on Training a Beagle Puppy

Beagles are playful, friendly dogs that enjoy families and groups. Beagles also are stubborn, manipulative, prone to run off and loud. Learn how to handle this lovable dog and celebrate his good traits.

  1. Is a Beagle the Right Dog for You?

    • If the characteristics in "Beagles: What's Good About Em? What's Bad About Em?" scare you off, this is not the right dog for you. Most beagles can be stubborn, willful and opportunistic, making training more difficult. Beagles also are loving, loyal, great guard dogs, playful and happy. Don't buy a beagle unless you understand what you are getting.

    Leash Training

    • No matter how well behaved your beagle is, if he catches scent of a rabbit or even another dog while running off leash with you, he may dart off and never return. To avoid heartbreak, train your beagle on a leash and use it every time you are outside. Harnesses are a great idea, too; when your beagle shakes her head, she can't slip out of it like she can with a leash. Harnesses also are easier on your dog's neck, especially with all the pulling you'll need to do to keep a sniffing beagle walking smoothly.

    The Food-Motivated Beagle

    • With such a strong nose, how can your beagle not adore food? Most beagles love food and will do anything to get it, which is why so many beagles you will see are extremely overweight. Once you know how to handle a food-motivated beagle, you can make him work for you.

      First, beagle-proof your house. Those little legs are longer than you think. If you don't want your dog eating bread (or worse, chocolate) you will learn to leave food and beverages out of your dog's reach.

      Some beagles are food aggressive, and beagle-proofing is extremely important for these dogs. If you have a food-aggressive beagle, do not attempt to take food from her mouth! You may be able to divert her attention by offering a treat. Respect training may curb your beagle's tendency to scavenge food.

      If you have a food-motivated beagle, use treats in his training. Beagles can be eager to please, especially if they think food is involved.

    Respect Training for Beagles

    • Because of their stubbornness, respect training is a good idea. This will teach your beagle puppy that you are the alpha of the pack. If your beagle puppy barks at strangers, jumps on you when you come home or otherwise demands attention, your relationship will benefit from respect training.