How to Train Your Dog to Do Cool Tricks

Training is an important part of maintaining the proper relationship between dogs and humans. Proper training is not only the key to good behavior, but it is also a really cool thing to do with your dog. Training your dog to do cool tricks can be entertaining and can strengthen the bond between you and your dog.

  1. Positive vs. Negative Reinforcement

    • When training your dog to do cool tricks, it is important to realize that he is a pleaser. He lives to please you, and so positive reinforcement always beats negative reinforcement. When your dog does something you like, praise him. This is much better than yelling or, otherwise, punishing mistakes.

    Tricks to Teach

    • Some simple tricks that are best to start out with when looking to train your dog include sit, shake and play dead. Have plenty of treats on hand when training, and your dog should be well-trained in a few weeks' time. From there, it is all about maintaining the training.

    Teaching the Sit Command

    • Teaching the sit command is not difficult. It is best to start training with younger dogs, but older dogs can be taught as well. To teach your dog this command, push her bottom toward the ground while saying sit. Then, give her a treat. She will make the association between the treat and the action before too long.

    Teaching the Shake Command

    • Teaching shake is much the same as sit. Say shake to your dog and grab his paw. Then, hand him the treat. Do this over and over. After a while, he will realize that you want his paw when you ask him to shake your hand. If he wants the treat--which he does--he will give his paw to you before too long.

    Teaching the Play Dead Command

    • This is one of the harder ones, but it is still possible for any dog. To teach your dog this, roll him over onto his back while saying play dead. Then, hand him a treat. Praise him while he is on his back, even if just for a moment. Dogs love praise almost as much as they love food.