How to Train a Jack Russel Terrier

Jack Russell terriers are high-energy, highly intelligent and highly vocal dogs. They get bored easily and can develop bad habits just for something to do, so training them requires providing them with an outlet for their physical and mental energy. (Even Moose, the Jack Russell who played Eddie for on "Frasier," was once abandoned because of his rowdiness.)

Things You'll Need

  • Enzyme cleaner (for accidents) Fenced yard or dog tie Leash and collar or chest harness Treats Toys Dog crate or room with closed door Clicker (optional)


  1. Ready, Set -- Stop!

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      Determine where his outdoor toilet area will be before bringing a Jack Russell home. Place him there and wait until he does his business before bringing him inside for the first time. Now he'll know where to go. Always take him to the same spot if he begins walking around in small circles, sniffing or if he lifts a leg in the house. If he has an accident, clean the area with an enzyme-based cleaner, which will remove any urine smell (dogs will urinate in areas where they smell traces of urine).

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      Train him not to bark and reward him for quiet behavior. Jack Russells were bred to bark to notify a hunter when they go underground or into heavy undergrowth. Clicker training (in which you use a clicker to make a sound that indicates good behavior) and positive reinforcement work best.

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      Make sure Jack Russells get regular exercise and play time (remember, a tired Jack Russell is a good Jack Russell). They need at least one half-hour brisk walk every day and a good romp in the yard. If you do not have a fenced yard, you can tie him to a stake. Jack Russells will wander off if not tied. Also, they love to dig. To keep him from digging everywhere, bury treats in one particular area and praise him when he uncovers them.

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      Keep your pet in a dog crate when he's left home alone. Put in some toys and something soft to lie on. You can also keep him in a closed room (preferably one with a window). Keeping the television or radio on will help keep him from howling.

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      Interact often with your Jack Russell: talking, petting, playing. More attention will keep him happier and feeling like part of the family.