Being awakened by a barking dog in the middle of the night is miserable. Talking with a neighbor about a noisy dog is not a pleasant situation either. Before you pursue a solution through your city's animal control ordinances, voice your concerns in a neighborly way.
If the barking is sporadic or relatively tolerable, find ways to mask the noise. Close your windows and wear earplugs. Run your fan or air conditioning unit. Turn on a sound machine.
If you cannot tolerate the barking, approach your neighbor in person or write a letter. Politely describe the problem and how the dog's barking is affecting you. Say whether the barking is waking you at night or disturbing your work during the day. A neighbor who works during the day may be unaware that her dog barks while she is away.
If you've spoken with your neighbor and she has not addressed the problem, call your city's animal control agency. Describe when the barking occurs and how long it persists. The agency will likely send an officer to investigate and speak with the owner. The threat of a citation may prompt the owner to take action.