How to Housebreak a Puppy With Pads

Potty pads offer a great way to housebreak a puppy. These pads are made out of absorbent materials that have been pre-sprayed with the pheromones that attract dogs. Some potty pads even contain scents such as fresh grass. Since a dog forms his potty habits around his sense of smell, these pads are very successful teaching aids and they can help a puppy learn where he should go potty.

Things You'll Need

  • Potty ads
  • Newspaper


    • 1

      Chose an area in your home where you will place the puppy pad. Choose an area without carpeting, in close proximity to an outside door.

    • 2

      Place a few layers of newspaper in the chosen spot. Place the potty pad on top of the newspaper.

    • 3

      Place your puppy on the pad when he wakes and after he finishes drinking or eating. Keep in mind that puppies will potty often. Anytime your dog is sniffing the ground, place him on the pad.

    • 4

      Praise your puppy each time she uses the potty pads.

    • 5

      Lower your voice and give your puppy a firm "no" when he has an accident away from his potty pad, then place him on the potty pad.

    • 6

      Move the potty pad closer to the outside door after your puppy has been consistently using the potty pads for two weeks.

    • 7

      Move the potty pad next to the outside door after your puppy has been consistent in using the relocated potty pad for two additional weeks. Allow her to use this potty pad for about a week.

    • 8

      Place a potty pad outside near the door.

    • 9

      Watch your dog. When he goes to the potty pad that is next to the door, pick him up and place him on the potty pad that is outside, near the door. This will teach your dog to go outside to potty. Continue to watch your dog. Anytime he goes to the outside door, allow him to go outside and do his business.