How to Train Your Puppy to Come When You Call

You can train your puppy to come when you call in just a few steps. Training your puppy will take consistency, routine and positive reinforcement. Getting your pup to come when you call is important. If you need your puppy to come inside or get away from a dangerous situation, you can do so with one command, "Come!"

Things You'll Need

  • Clicker
  • Dog treats


    • 1

      Begin the training indoors. Make sure you have time to work with your puppy: no visitors or other distractions. Hold the clicker in one hand and a treat in the other. Show your puppy the treat and say "Come!" Your voice should be loud, clear and commanding, but not abusive. Let your puppy know that you are the master.

    • 2

      Feed your puppy the treat when it comes to you and click the clicker on its collar to make the noise. This is positive reinforcement with sound and treats. Don't worry about feeding your puppy too many treats. The treats should be small, so if you are using dog bones make sure to break them into smaller pieces. With consistent training your puppy eventually won't need the treats.

    • 3

      Take one step back and say, "Come!" again. When your puppy comes, click the clicker on its collar and feed it a treat. You can also use vocal praise when your puppy comes when you call. Vocal praise means saying positive things to your puppy, such as "Good girl."

    • 4

      Repeat this training (Steps 1 to 3) 12 times. When your puppy can do this it is time to increase the space between the two of you before rewarding it with a treat and a click. Take 12 steps back and then say "Come." When it does come to you feed it a treat and click the clicker on its collar.

    • 5

      Train your dog to come to you every day. You can do this when you take it for a walk, before you fill its food dish, or during another time you spend with your puppy. Eventually you can lose the treats. Keep the clicker for that satisfying sound the puppies tend to enjoy and expect.