The Yorkshire Terrier may be small, but he has a big personality. He is smart, fears little and is both extremely loyal and extremely demanding. Training a Yorkie takes patience and persistence, but with special effort the Yorkshire Terrier can become a wonderful companion. Read on to learn how to train a Yorkshire Terrier.
Know the personality of a Yorkshire Terrier. They have a mind of their own, and while quick to learn, they can decide that they don't want to learn. You must be firm, consistent and persistent.
Minimize the distractions. Train your Yorkshire Terrier when there are no other animals or people around, and focus on one command at a time. Make your commands clear and consistent. Use an authoritarian tone to your voice so he knows this is serious business.
Use treats. A Yorkshire Terrier loves to eat, so treats suitable for a toy-sized dog work well. Hold the treat near her face so she sees it, call out the command and offer the treat and praise when she is successful. Be careful, however, you don't also teach her to beg.
Keep up the praise. A Yorkshire Terrier wants attention and lots of it and does not like to be ignored. You must keep up a constant flow of praise as you train. Positive reinforcement works better than negative for a Yorkie.
Focus on housebreaking. It is a challenge for Yorkshire Terrier owners, so start the minute you bring the puppy home. Try to take him outside shortly after eating, and offer lots of praise when he does his business. Reward him for good behavior and be careful not to punish him for going in the house.
Train yourself. When a dog isn't well trained, it is often the fault of the owner. A Yorkshire Terrier is a smart high energy dog, if you aren't consistent or firm they will take advantage of you and this will lead to problems later.