How to Put a Pinch Collar on a Dog

A pinch collar, or more often referred to as prong collar, is commonly used when training dogs to walk on a leash. While the pinch collar may seem a bit scary, just by its looks, the collar is purely intended to assist in training the dog and is not meant to be used every day.


    • 1

      Unhook the pinch collar via the links. The links should push inward toward one another, allowing it to come unhooked.

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      Place the collar, prong side down, around the dog's neck.

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      Slide the pinch collar up toward the dog's ears. Make sure that it is situated right behind the animal's ears and directly below the jaw line.

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      Hook the pinch collar around the dog's neck once you have properly situated the collar.

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      Check to make sure that the pinch collar is not too loose or too tight. A pinch collar that is too loose will dangle from the dogs neck. A collar that is too tight can cause distress to the dog such as yelping, coughing or choking. A pinch collar is versatile, so you can add or remove links to ensure the proper fit.