How to Housebreak a Puggle

A puggle is a dog that is half pug and half beagle. This breed of dog, which is commonly labeled as a designer breed, is notoriously difficult to housebreak. But it is not impossible to housebreak a puggle.


    • 1

      Confine your puggle puppy to a small area. You can do this by putting him in a small room or by sectioning off an area with barricades.

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      Lay newspaper all over the floor of this small room or barricaded area. Your puggle puppy will, of course, do his business on the newspaper; he won't have any choice because that is all there is on the floor.

    • 3

      Over a three-week time period, cover less and less of the floor of your puggle's area. When your puggle puppy is good about only messing on the newspaper covered area, then he can be moved to a larger room.

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      Begin training your puggle puppy to do his business outside. Make sure you do this only after he has been consistently doing his business only on the newspaper for a couple of weeks. Take your puggle puppy outside several times each day. Be consistent with this. You can lay newspaper down outside, and be sure to praise your puggle when he keeps doing his business on the newspaper.

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      Finish training your puggle puppy for going outside. When your puggle has consistently used the newspaper outside to do his business for a few weeks, remove it all together. Remember, to continue to praise your puggle puppy as he now uses the grass so he knows he is doing what you want.