What Are Pros & Cons for Remote Dog Collar Training?

A remote dog collar is a collar that fits on the dog and is matched to a hand-held remote control. When the dog is misbehaving or refusing to follow a training command, the trainer uses the hand control to send an electronic stimulation to the collar. The dog gets a buzz or small sting that the dog does not like.

  1. Function

    • The remote dog collar, often called a shock or electronic collar, allows the owner or trainer to correct dog behavior at a distance. Dogs are very smart and quickly learn that when they are off leash, they are away from direct control. The small shock from the collar alerts the dog that the trainer still can reach them, even if it is by electric impulse.


    • Remote dog collars come with electronic stimulation and optional vibration or tone features. Some dogs are resistant to voice or sound commands. They will quickly associate a vibration in the collar as a warning that the electronic sting will follow if they do not obey a command. They may soon need only the vibration to correct their behavior. Other dogs may respond to a tone noise and change their behavior.


    • Electronic or e-collars help correct dog behaviors such as jumping, barking or digging. These collars help with basic obedience by instantly correcting bad behavior during training sessions. The collars give guidance to outdoor dogs that must learn to work off leash. Dogs with hearing problems often benefit from e-collars as the collars alert the dogs to their owners when they cannot hear verbal directions.


    • A remote dog collar is costly. It requires batteries that may lose power at a time when the owner needs the collar to work. An e-collar is not recommended for dogs under six months old, who are often in most need of training. The collar is affected by submerging in water such as swimming and by dog distance or range from the trainer. Because the collar is an electronic device, the trainer must be knowledgeable in adjusting the collar and using the transmitter.


    • When a remote collar is worn for too many hours or does not fit properly, it can irritate the dog neck. If the owner does not know how to properly use the collar, the dog can get a painful jolt. The collar is designed for training and is not a replacement for obedience commands. It is important for the owner to use the collar only to stop bad behavior or remind the dog of correct behavior.