Electric Fencing for Dogs

An electric fence for dogs is called an invisible fence, because it is installed underground. The system includes a dog collar, which gives the dog a mild shock if he moves too close to the fence. A little extra money buys an electric fencing system with a collar that issues a warning beep, so the dog can avoid the shock.

  1. Function

    • Electric fences are commonly installed around the perimeter of the property or a certain part of the yard. They can prevent your dog from running into the street or going onto other people's property.


    • Electric fencing for dogs can be purchased at discount stores, pet supply shops, home improvement stores and online. You can install the fence yourself, or have a contractor do the job.

    Training Time Frame

    • Pet owners must train their dogs to avoid the fence. Training takes from a few days to a few weeks. The fence boundary should be marked with flags during the training time.

    Training Method

    • Several times a day, walk your dog around the boundary. If the dog moves too close to the fence, say, "No," and gently tug it away. A beeping collar is particularly of benefit in training.


    • Any problems usually involve dogs who chase squirrels or rabbits. They will run through the invisible fence without caring about the mild shock.