How to Train a Dog to Not Chew Bedding

Many dogs, especially puppies and rescued adults, will chew on anything they can find, either because they are teething or they are dealing with anxiety. Some dogs also chew just because they enjoy it. This can be a problem when your dog turns to its bedding as its new chew toy. First of all, the dog can destroy the bedding and second of all, it can choke on the fiber fill or other material used to stuff the bed.

Things You'll Need

  • Crate or old sheet
  • Dog's bedding


  1. Instructions

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      Keep your dog away from its bedding unless you are there to supervise it. This need not be permanent, just until you are successful with training. If your dog has a crate, remove the bedding from it and let him lay down on the plastic base without any covering for now. If not, have him sleep on an old sheet, since it is difficult to chew up.

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      Put your dog's bed on the floor where he can find it. Then wait until he approaches it and begins to chew on it. As soon as you notice him start to chew, say "no chew" in a stern voice and take the bed away.

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      Wait 20 minutes and put the bed back down. If your dog starts chewing again, say "no chew" and remove it again. If he instead simply lies in the bed, praise him by saying "good boy" or something similar in a pleasant voice and leave the bed down.

    • 4

      Continue to take the bed away and gently scold each time your dog starts chewing on its bedding. Be patient as training could take a week or more. Just be consistent and your dog will figure it out in time.