How to Walk a Dog With a Harness

Most dogs that need to wear a harness or a head collar are dogs that will pull you every which way on your walks together. Sometimes a collar is not enough, and the dog needs more restraint to minimize pulling. Dog harnesses can range from $15 to $115, and are found in any pet store. They are made from nylon or leather, which also determines their price range. Dog harnesses are generally made the same; they all have a breast strap, a back strap, and a strap around the belly.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Dog collar


    • 1

      Slip the dog harness over one of your arms, and with that same hand, hold out a piece of chicken, sausage or anything your dog enjoys. Hold it in front of your dog's nose, and let the dog smell and taste it. Do the same with the second treat, but as you give it to your dog, slip the harness over its head and onto its body. Give your dog another treat as you strap the harness on. Attach the leash.

    • 2

      Make your dog sit and wait for your command before opening the door to begin your walk, such as "Let's go." If your dog bolts toward the door before you give the command, close the door, and make it sit and wait again. Repeat this step until the dog successfully waits for your command to go out the door.

    • 3

      Keep a steady pace. If the dog begins to pull you forward, simply turn around and walk three to five paces in the opposite direction. Keep repeating if necessary. Your dog will quickly get the message you are trying to send.

    • 4

      Return home from your walk. Simply unbuckle or unstrap the harness, and slip it back over your dog's head. Praise your dog for a job well done so that it becomes easier to walk your dog with a harness.