House Breaking a Puppy When Both Adults Work

Consistency, patience and commitment are essential to successfully housebreak your puppy in a timely manner. If all family members work, housebreaking your furry pal becomes slightly more challenging, because you're unable to watch his every move and won't be able to prevent accidents. There are various things you can do to help potty train your puppy while you continue to bring home the bacon.
  1. Confinement

    • Confining your puppy while he's home alone keeps him safe and protects your belongings from damage. Additionally, he won't be able to soil all throughout the house. Place him in a small, puppy-proof room and use a baby gate to block the exit. Spread newspapers over the floor of the confinement area and place your puppy's crate and toys in it. He'll most likely go potty on the end that's furthest from his crate, because dogs dislike soiling areas where they play and sleep. Once he consistently goes potty in the same area, reduce the newspaper to just this area.

    Pet Sitter

    • A puppy can hold his bladder for about one hour for every month of age. Unless you're able to take your puppy to work with you or come home during lunchtime or breaks, a pet sitter might be an option to consider. He can come to your home to walk your puppy and to play with him at set times. This allows your puppy to eliminate in a designated outdoor area and promotes the housebreaking process. Alternatively, ask a trustworthy neighbor or friend to take your furry pal to go potty while everyone's at work.


    • A daily schedule helps your furry pal get used to a routine. It teaches him that there's a set time for playing, eating and eliminating. Before going to work and confining your puppy, feed and walk him so he can go potty and play and run to get rid of pent-up energy. Throughout the day, arrange for a pet sitter to feed and walk your puppy or come home yourself if you can. After work, immediately feed and walk your puppy again. Create a routine that works for your lifestyle and stick to it so your puppy gets used to the pattern.


    • After work and during weekends, closely observe your puppy to prevent accidents. If he's pacing, whining or barking restlessly, it can indicate that he has to go potty. Immediately take him to the designated potty area. If you catch him having an accident, make a loud noise to startle and stop him in his tracks. Then take him to his potty area to finish eliminating. Always reinforce good behavior with treats and praise. If you find an accident on the floor, clean it with a pet-stain cleanser and vow to observe your puppy better in future.