Separation Anxiety
Practicing being away from your puppy for short periods at a time can reduce his anxiety and stop his barking. Lock yourself behind a door in the house for two seconds while your puppy sits on the other side. Then open the door and act as if it's no big deal that you were away for a short period. By gradually increasing the time that the door stays closed, and by eventually practicing this with the front door, you can help your puppy adjust to being on his own without making noise.
Neglecting to exercise your furry pal before leaving him home alone can result in undesired barking. Your puppy has pent-up energy that he's trying to release. To prevent his noisy behavior, exercise him. Take him for a walk before leaving him home alone. Play games, such as fetch, with him so he can run and tire himself out. When it's time for you to leave the house, your puppy might be too tired to go into a barking rant and might prefer to take a nap instead.
Crate Training
Placing your puppy in a crate without getting him used to it is asking for trouble when you leave the house. Early on, allow your furry pal to explore the crate at his own pace. Place treats and toys inside so he associates it with pleasant things and is motivated to go in it. After all, this is his den. Gradually extend the time you confine him, and eventually start leaving the room. Ignore any whining or crying and release him only when he's quiet. With patience and consistency, he'll view the crate as his safe haven.
Before taking steps to keep your puppy quiet when he's home alone, rule out medical conditions that might be triggering his behavior by consulting a veterinarian. If you're considering getting another dog to keep your puppy company, ensure your lifestyle can accommodate this and don't rule out getting an older, calmer dog. To prevent barking out of boredom, always keep your puppy entertained when he's alone. Provide chew toys and food-stuffed puzzle toys to keep him busy, and if you're absent for a long time during the day, have someone drop in on your puppy and take him for a walk.