Things You'll Need
- Leash
- Treats
Enlist one or two friends, family members or neighbors to help you train your dog not to sniff crotches. Have them come over for arranged training sessions.
Designate a greeting area in your home where your dog will meet guests. Identify it as such by leading your dog by leash to the spot as soon as someone comes into your home, every time. Say "greeting" or another chosen command word and point to the spot when your dog gets there.
Give your dog a treat as soon as she gets to the greeting area. Tell her to sit and stay there and give her another treat immediately for obeying.
Have your guest approach your dog in her greeting area but stand off a few feet. When your dog goes to sniff the person's crotch, gently restrain her by leash and tell her "no" firmly. Use the sit and stay commands as needed. When she sniffs in the person's general direction without approaching, offer a treat right away.
Instruct your guest to go over to the dog for a physical greeting after the sniffing is done.
Repeat this process once or twice per day for one to two weeks, or longer if necessary. As your dog starts becoming compliant, gradually reduce the number of treats offered during the training sessions.