How to Put Your Dog to Work

Dogs love having a job. Challenge your dog and give him a purpose with training. Many dogs thrive in an environment where they are asked to use their senses such as herding, tracking, obedience, sledding or police work. Before choosing a specific job for your dog, teach him basic skills to set the foundation for a successful transition to working life. Whether you envision your dog having a career as a police dog or a herding dog, the training process will enhance the bond between you and your canine partner.


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      Research the type of job you would like your dog to perform. While there are no rules governing which career a dog should have, certain breeds or breed mixes excel in one field. For example, border collies are known for their quick movements and ability to obey subtle clues from their handler, which makes them ideal for herding work.

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      Teach your dog basic commands. Choose a visual signal and say your dog's name followed by the command. Reward your dog with praise or treats until he follows your cues easily. Teaching your dog to sit, lie down, stay and come are basic commands that are useful in any working career.

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      Socialize your dog. Expose him to different people, dogs and environments. The more experiences your dog has, the more he will be able to focus on a task that is given to him. Begin socializing your dog with one other dog and gradually increase the stimulation.

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      Enroll your dog in obedience class. This will teach your dog focus and advance his education by asking for responses that are more complex from you and possibly a different handler.

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      Consult with an expert or trainer in the field you are interested in pursuing with your dog. The expert will want to test your dog's skills, whether they are retrieval, tracking or focusing on cues. If the expert thinks your dog may be suitable, she will tell you how to advance your dog's training.