Can you train a dog not to drool?

Training a dog not to drool completely may not be possible, as drooling is a natural reflex for many breeds. However, you can try using behavior modification techniques to reduce excessive drooling in certain situations:

1. Positive Reinforcement: When your dog drools in an appropriate situation (such as when they're hungry), immediately reward them with a treat, praise, or pet. This positive reinforcement helps them associate drooling with positive outcomes.

2. Distraction: If your dog starts drooling excessively in an unwanted situation (like when guests are over), try distracting them with a toy, game, or activity they enjoy. This diverts their attention and reduces the drooling.

3. Avoid Triggers: Identify situations that trigger excessive drooling in your dog, such as certain foods or high-stress environments. Try to avoid these triggers or manage them to reduce the likelihood of drooling.

4. Use Tools: Some pet stores sell special collars or bandanas designed to catch or absorb drool. While they may not stop the drooling, these items can help keep your surroundings cleaner.


- Be patient, training your dog's behavior takes time and consistency.

- If your dog's drooling is excessive or sudden, it's important to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any medical issues.

- Different breeds may have varying degrees of drooling, and some breeds may be more challenging to train in this regard.