1. Fetch: This is a classic game that most dogs love. Simply throw a ball or other toy for your dog to chase and retrieve.
2. Hide-and-seek: Hide behind a tree or piece of furniture and have your dog find you. This game helps to develop your dog's sense of smell and problem-solving skills.
3. Tug-of-war: This game is a great way to bond with your dog and help them learn bite inhibition. Hold onto one end of a rope or toy and let your dog pull on the other end. Be sure to let your dog win sometimes!
4. Find the treat: Hide a treat in your hand or under a cup and have your dog find it. This game helps to develop your dog's focus and problem-solving skills.
5. Follow the leader: This game is a great way to teach your dog basic obedience commands. Simply walk around and have your dog follow you. If they start to wander off, gently call them back to you.
6. Roll over: This is a simple trick that most dogs can learn quickly. Hold a treat in front of your dog's nose and slowly move it over their head. As their head follows the treat, their body will naturally roll over.
7. Sit: This is one of the most basic obedience commands that every dog should learn. Hold a treat in front of your dog's nose and slowly move it up and over their head. As their head follows the treat, their bottom will naturally sit.