Why do people hurt the dogs?

Several reasons exist why people hurt dogs, and these include:

- Ignorance: Some people simply do not understand how their actions affect animals. For example, children who pull a dog's tail may not realize they are hurting the dog.

- Lack of empathy: Some people lack the ability to empathize with other creatures. They may not be able to understand how the dog feels when it is hurt.

- Mental illness: People with certain mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia or psychopathy, may lack the ability to control their impulses to hurt others, including animals.

- Alcohol or drug abuse: People intoxicated with alcohol or drugs may lose control of their behavior and become violent towards others, including animals.

- Animal abuse: Some people hurt dogs because they enjoy it. This type of cruelty can range from simple mistreatment to more severe acts of violence.

- Cultural beliefs: In some cultures, dogs are considered to be lower-status animals and may be subject to abuse as a result.

- Self-defense: Sometimes, dogs may be hurt in self-defense. This can occur if a dog is attacking a person or another animal.