What animals are the instict?

It seems like you might be asking about "instinct," which refers to a complex, unlearned behavior pattern.

Instinct is not a specific animal, but rather a behavioral characteristic found in many species, including:

* Mammals: Many mammals, like cats and dogs, have instincts related to hunting, caring for young, and forming social structures.

* Birds: Birds have instinctive behaviors like building nests, migrating, and caring for their young.

* Insects: Insects have instincts for things like finding food, finding mates, and avoiding predators.

* Fish: Fish have instincts for swimming in schools, spawning, and navigating their environments.

Examples of instincts in animals:

* Migration: Birds instinctively know to fly south for the winter, even if they've never done it before.

* Nest building: Many birds build nests in specific ways, even without ever seeing a nest before.

* Suckling: Mammals instinctively know to suckle from their mother's milk.

* Hibernation: Animals like bears and squirrels instinctively know when to hibernate for the winter.

It's important to note that while instinct plays a significant role in animal behavior, it's not the only factor. Animals also learn and adapt to their environments, which can influence their behavior over time.