Do the duggars have any pets?

The Duggar family has had pets in the past, but their current pet situation is unclear.

Past Pets:

* Dogs: They've had several dogs over the years, including a golden retriever named "Lucky" and a black lab named "Bella."

* Cats: They've also owned cats, though not as prominently featured in their show or social media.

* Other: They've mentioned having a hamster and other smaller pets.

Current Pets:

* They haven't explicitly stated what pets they have currently.

* Social media shows glimpses of pets. Some Duggars have shared pictures of their dogs, suggesting they still have at least one dog.

It's important to note: The Duggars' family dynamic and beliefs can influence their pet ownership. They're known for having large families and a focus on raising their children.

Therefore, while pets are part of their lives, their focus may be on their children and raising them, limiting their ability to have many pets or give them significant attention.