Where do dogs get their lice?

Dogs primarily get lice from other dogs. Lice are highly species-specific, meaning they are only able to live on a particular type of host. Dog lice cannot live on humans or other animals.

Here's how dogs can get lice:

* Direct contact: The most common way dogs get lice is through direct contact with an infested dog. This can happen through playing, grooming, or even simply being in close proximity.

* Shared environments: Lice can also spread indirectly through contaminated environments, such as shared bedding, grooming tools, or even the ground in a dog park.

Important Note: While lice are common in dogs, they are not typically a serious health concern. However, they can cause skin irritation, itching, and hair loss. If you suspect your dog has lice, it's important to consult with a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.