* Their silvery-gray coat: Weimaraners come in shades of gray, from almost white to a very dark charcoal. In low light or dusk, their coat can blend in with the surroundings, making them appear almost ghostly.
* Their silent movement: Weimaraners are naturally athletic and graceful dogs, moving with a quiet fluidity that makes them seem to glide rather than walk. This stealthy movement can also contribute to the "ghostly" feeling.
* Their intense gaze: Weimaraners have piercing blue eyes that can stare intently, which can be unsettling to some people. This, combined with their "ghostly" appearance, can add to the overall impression.
While these features are what contribute to the nickname "ghost dog," Weimaraners are actually quite playful and affectionate dogs with a strong desire to please their owners. They are not actually "ghostly" in any supernatural sense!