Can finding fleas on your pup possibly infest my home?

Yes, finding fleas on your pup definitely means your home could be infested.

Here's why:

* Fleas are highly mobile: They can jump incredible distances (up to 150 times their body length!), making it easy for them to move from your pet to your furniture, carpets, bedding, and even your clothes.

* Fleas reproduce quickly: Female fleas lay eggs in the environment (especially in dark, warm places) and they hatch into larvae that feed on flea dirt (dried blood and feces).

* Fleas can live for a long time: Fleas can survive for months in your home without a host, waiting for a suitable opportunity to bite.

What to do if you find fleas on your pup:

1. Treat your pet: Consult your vet for the best flea treatment for your pup.

2. Clean your home thoroughly: Vacuum frequently, paying attention to carpets, rugs, furniture, and bedding.

3. Wash pet bedding: Wash all bedding in hot water and dry on high heat to kill fleas and eggs.

4. Consider professional help: If the infestation is severe, a professional pest control service can help eliminate the fleas.

Remember: It's crucial to act quickly to prevent a full-blown flea infestation in your home.