What Are the Signs That a Dog Is Getting Close to Labor?

A dog is pregnant for around two months. After that point, you may become anxious as to when those adorable little puppies will arrive. A dog has obvious signs that labor is near if you know what to watch for. Be patient and do what you can to make your dog comfortable. Your pet knows instinctively what to do.
  1. Physical Sickness

    • Your dog's physical symptoms will be the clearest indicator of impending labor. Your dog will not seem to have an appetite and often will vomit all the contents of her stomach. She also may shiver. Give her a bowl of cool water. Most dogs will refuse to eat anything before they have their puppies. This is a telltale sign of impending labor.

    She Seeks You Out

    • A dog that is going into labor will want her owners close to her. She may follow you around and may even drag her bed to you. You as her owner are a big part of her security, and since she will not understand what is happening she will want you nearby.

    She Searches for a Safe Place

    • Your dog will begin to search for a safe place to have her puppies. She will most likely choose a place she is familiar with, like an area under the carport where she has spent time during the day or even under your bed. She may exhibit nesting behavior, like digging in her whelping box.

    Her Rectal Temperature Drops

    • This will be the least noticeable unless you are a actively checking her temperature. The rectal temperature of your dog normally is around 100-102 degrees F. When it drops below that mark, she is getting ready for labor. If the temperature is down to 97 degrees, labor is imminent within 24 hours.

    Warning Signs

    • If your dog has a green discharge before having the puppies, call your veterinarian. Other signs to watch out for are twitching, pushing for more than an hour for one puppy and heavy bleeding. Your dog usually will deliver her puppies around 20 minutes apart, sometimes less and sometimes more, but not more than an hour. If two puppies are born at the same time, that is a problem. You may have to assist in the birth if a puppy seems to be stuck. Use a lubricant to assist with pulling the puppy out if there seems to be a problem. Also, if you dog has been pregnant for more than 70 days, call your veterinarian.