How to Obtain Colostrum From Dogs

Dog colostrum is the important "first milk" that a bitch will produce to feed her puppies. Colostrum is full of calories and antibodies that gives the puppies active immunity to disease and activates their digestive system. The bitch will only produce colostrum from birth to 24 hours; so it is imperative that the puppies receive the colostrum within this time frame. Once a puppy is past one day old, it can no longer absorb or digest colostrum. In order to obtain dog colostrum it is important to stay calm and be gentle when milking the bitch.

Things You'll Need

  • Small empty syringe
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    • 1

      Lay the female dog on her side and pet her for a few minutes to relax her, this will help get the colostrum to "let down."

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      Place your index finger above and behind the teat, with your thumb below the teat. Your finger and thumb have to be behind and below the milk duct which is located back from the teat.

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      Squeeze the milk duct gently in the direction of the dog's nipple to release the colostrum.

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      Place a small empty syringe over the teat and continue milking the glands behind the teat until the syringe contains enough colostrum.