The Side Effects of Dog Pregnancy

When dogs become pregnant, their bodies go through a number of different changes in preparation for nurturing their young. Dogs can experience both physical and behavioral side effects as a result of pregnancy. As the pregnancy progresses, different side effects will become apparent, indicating the current pregnancy stage and the development of the puppies.
  1. Appetite Changes

    • Decreasing appetite is an early side effect of canine pregnancy, but it does not occur in all dogs. Some dogs will eat less in the first few weeks of the gestation period due to feelings of illness. Approximately three to four weeks into the pregnancy, an appetite increase is common. This is especially common in dogs that experienced decreased appetite early on in the pregnancy.

    Behavioral Changes

    • Decreasing activity or feelings of exhaustion are common during the beginning stages of pregnancy. Hormone levels in the dog change in support of embryo production and this can cause changes in activity level and energy. The dog may become increasingly affectionate or may express a desire to be left by herself throughout the process. Another side effect of dog pregnancy is nesting behavior, which is commonly displayed at the end of the gestation period. The dog will appear restless and will work to prepare the area she intends to use for delivering her pups during this time.

    Breast Changes

    • The dog's breasts undergo several changes during pregnancy. In the early stages, nipple growth indicates that pregnancy changes are occurring. Breast material develops beneath the nipples and the nipples themselves grow in size to prepare for milk production. In the late stages of puppy development, milk production will begin and colostrum may seep from the nipples.

    Abdomen Changes

    • Weight gain becomes apparent within a month of the beginning stages of pregnancy, and the abdomen will thicken in preparation for puppy development. The abdomen will feel firm and thick rather than fat. The abdomen growth throughout the pregnancy depends on the number of puppies developing inside. During the later weeks of gestation, puppy movement is detectable in the abdomen.

    Temperature Changes

    • A temperature drop from between 101 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit to between 97 and 99 degrees Fahrenheit is an indicator that delivery is imminent. This side effect indicates that delivery of the puppies will occur within approximately 24 hours. Monitor the dog's temperature approximately 58 days into gestation to establish a baseline temperature so that this temperature drop will be easier to detect at the end of gestation.