How to Breed a Dog If He Has One Testicle

Undescended testicles, also known as cryptorchidism, is a condition in which the testicles fail to descend into the scrotal sac. Testicles will usually descend into the scrotal sac by 8 weeks of age. Dogs can have unilateral cryptorchidism, where one testicle is located inside the scrotal sac and the other is retained inside the dog. Dogs can also have bilateral cryptorchidism, which means that neither of the testicles descends into the scrotal sac. Cryptorchidism is caused by a defective gene that is passed on from the parent dogs. Several steps should be taken to ensure your dog is healthy before breeding it.


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      Take your pet to be examined by a veterinarian prior to breeding it. Your dog should be free of any parasites or illnesses prior to breeding. The exam will determine any underlying health conditions that you may be unaware of.

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      Vaccinate your pet for routine illnesses before breeding it. Booster vaccines are recommended to keep your dog healthy.

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      Have your dog screened and tested for health issues that are common to your dog's breed. For example, large breed dogs are prone to hip issues and should be checked for hip issues before breeding.

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      Wait until your dog has reached sexual maturity. Breeding dogs before they have reached sexual maturity can cause health problems and may make the breeding process more difficult.

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      Breed your dog with another healthy dog. If you're planning to participate in dog shows, look for a mate that represents the standards of the breed.