Information on Shih Tzu Dog's Pregnancy

If you have a female shih tzu and are trying to breed her, you will want to know as much as you can about the cycle of your dog. If you aren't trying to breed your shih tzu, but think she might be pregnant, it's important to recognize the signs. In either case, the sooner you recognize a pregnancy, the sooner you can get proper care for your pregnant shih tzu.
  1. Pregnancy Signs

    • Shih tzu dogs are different from many other breeds because they show a behavioral change almost immediately when pregnant. If your dog is normally calm, she might become active, or the reverse might be true. Your dog might exhibit nesting behavior. Her nipples will enlarge and harden. Expect a swelling of the belly and vulva. Recognizing these signs early is important for proper care of a pregnant shih tzu.


    • Your shih tzu will be pregnant for nine weeks. During the first two weeks of her pregnancy, she can live normally. Starting in the third week, though, she should begin to have reduced activity. If your dog has become more active, you'll want to take steps to limit her activity. The further along in the pregnancy, the less activity she should have. In addition, the further into the pregnancy, the more important it becomes to limit your dog's activity.


    • As soon as you believe your shih tzu is pregnant, take her to the veterinarian. The doctor can confirm the pregnancy. Regular visits should be scheduled so your veterinarian can monitor the health of your dog and the progress of the pregnancy. Monitoring will allow for early diagnosis. That way, any potential problems can be handled quickly. Necessary adjustments to care can also be made through the vet visits.

    Dietary Needs

    • Most pregnant shih tzus, like pregnant humans, experience an increase in appetite. Ask your veterinarian about switching your dog back to puppy food. Its higher vitamin and fat content can help with the increased nutritional needs. In any event, make sure your dog is served extra food so she can eat it if she wants. All dogs need a readily available supply of water, but for pregnant dogs, it's even more crucial.

    Number of Puppies

    • Shih tzus are small dogs. Most small breeds only have litters of two or three puppies. It's not uncommon for a shih tzu to have as many as 10 puppies. Of course, a litter of only three is not unusual either. The key with a shih tzu is to be prepared for a lot of puppies, even though there might only be a few.