Pregnancy Diagnosis in Dogs

Pregnancy diagnosis in dogs can be a challenging task, but there are a few signs and symptoms that can help dog owners determine if they should be expecting puppies. Some indicators that your dog may be pregnant include strange behavior, changes in appetite, physical symptoms and stomach sickness. The only sure-fire way is to take your dog to a qualified veterinary doctor, who can either feel for certain structures in the abdomen or take conclusive blood tests and x-rays.
  1. Strange Behavior

    • Some bitches (female dogs) exhibit signs of strange behavior in the very early stages of pregnancy. This can vary from drastic changes in her personality, such as a typically affectionate dog becoming vicious or stand-offish, to increased and prolonged periods of sleep. Some dogs will exhibit nesting behaviors early on and may want to spend more time alone than usual. Any change you notice in your dog's normal personality and routine could possibly indicate that she's pregnant, but it can also indicate other things such as hormonal imbalances.


    • Many dogs have a dramatic drop in appetite in the beginning stages of pregnancy, and it is usually followed by increased consumption of food. Your dog may have an upset stomach in the first couple of weeks, lessening her appetite, but if she's pregnant, she will need to increase her nutrient intake to meet the demands of her body and her growing puppies. Other indicators include irregular periods of hunger and not eating at her usual times.


    • The constant change of hormonal levels in your dog may make her feel ill in the first weeks of her pregnancy. The vomit may be a clear fluid, yellow-colored bile, or even regurgitated entire meals. It can happen at any time of the day. The sickness shouldn't persist beyond the first few weeks, but if your dog is vomiting regularly and not able to keep any food down, you should seek the advice of a vet immediately.

    Physical Signs

    • Though not the first signs, the easiest ways to identify pregnancy are the physical symptoms. If you are familiar with your dog's heat cycle, than you're probably aware of the changes her body goes through on a regular basis, such as bloating and enlarged nipples. If these symptoms progress beyond her normal patterns, it could indicate pregnancy. For example, if her nipples continue to enlarge for longer than usual, or get larger than usual, it's a strong indicator of pregnancy. Additionally, you can gently examine her abdomen with your hands to see if you can detect the puppies inside.


    • Since nearly all of the early indicators of pregnancy can also be indicative of other serious health issues, it is extremely important to seek the advice of a qualified veterinary professional as soon as you notice sharp changes in behavior, appetite, sleeping patterns or personality. Some dogs can even exhibit all of the signs of pregnancy without actually being pregnant. It's also important for the health of your pet and her puppies to get instructions on proper prenatal care from a doctor as early as possible.